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Our central labratories in Tripoli offers most kinds of tesys which are necessary to implemet engineering measures with respect to the sounness of materials used in excitong projects. These laboratories consist of :

  • Labratories for concrete and it's constituents , testing (cenent, fine and coarse affregates), also cement concrete design mixes.
  • Labratories for soil invesigations including quality control testing.

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"The company had a boring ring for geotechnical investigation purposes complete with all augers, two rotary drilling rods, casings and coring pills and samplets dfor drilling and samplng in all famous kinds of soils and rocks in Libya"

Fields test such as standard penetration tests and plate load tesrs and field densoty tests equipments are available. Also some geophysical investigations such as lectric resisivity tests and seismic refraction and seismic reflection tests and ground penetration radar also can be done.

Cement concrete and bitumen concrete corning machine is also available to take such samples for quality investigations of cencrete and asphalt.

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